As a leader in energy supply to homes and businesses, we have the insight in understanding your residential or commercial needs for energy. Are you ready to make the switch? Request a Free Quote.

Simply fill out the form provided below to help us customize your energy solutions! Please note, the form below is for both residential or business. We do not share personal information provided to us through our Website (name, address, phone number, utility account numbers, etc.) with parties other than your natural gas and/or electricity utilities as needed to enroll, renew or upgrade your account. We only use such information to enroll and deliver products and/or services, to provide important information to you about the products and/or services, and/or to bill you for products and/or services. All e-mail addresses provided by customers who enroll with Inova Energy are used solely for customer service purposes. We may notify you via e-mail of new products and service offerings.